SYNA DRM / KMS Driver User Guide



The scope of the document is to provide detailed steps to configure and unit test drm/kms driver for SL16xx display interfaces.

This document emphasizes on MIPI-DSI related configuration like timing, initialization command, etc.


MIPI - Mobile Industry Processor Interface

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

TFT – Thin Film Transistor

DRM – Direct Rendering Manager

KMS – Kernel Mode Setting

Astra Machina Display Capabilities

syna drm/kms driver is supported for the SL16xx Astra Machina platforms.

Display capability of the supported SoC’s.

  • SL1640: Supports Single Display (Either HDMI or MIPI-DSI)

  • SL1680: Supports Dual Display (HDMI and MIPI-DSI)

  • SL1620: Supports Dual Display (TFT and MIPI-DSI)

SYNA DRM/KMS Configuration

Device driver configurations are handled through the defconfig and dts files.

Configuration based on defconfig

Following device driver configuration available in defconfig:

  1. DRM/KMS driver

  2. Backlight

defconfig for each platform is given below:

  1. SL1620: myna2_defconfig

  2. SL1640: platypus_defconfig

  3. SL1680: dolphin_defconfig

Configuration based on dts

Following device configuration are handled through dts files:

  1. Generic Display configuration

  2. MIPI-DSI Panel configuration

  3. LCDC panel configuration

  4. HDMI TX configuration

dts files of each platform given below:

  • SL1620: myna2-rdk.dts

  • SL1640: platypus-rdk.dts

  • SL1680: dolphin-rdk.dts

dts configuration template for SL16XX given below:

dts for SL1640 and SL1680

&drm {
   Generic Display configuration
   MIPI-DSI Panel configuration
   HDMI TX configuration

dts for SL1620

&drm {
   MIPI-DSI Panel configuration
   LCDC panel specific configuration

Generic Display Configuration

For SL1640 or SL1680, the default display type on bootup need be specified.

Below are the parameters which need be configured for the display.

  • disp-mode: Specifies the display mode. Whether it is single display/ dual display.

  • disp1-res-id: Resolution Id corresponding to a timing information.

More information on the timing and resolution id are available in below file.


  • disp1-type: Type of the Display1 whether it is HDMI or MIPI-DSI.

  • disp2-res-id: Resolution Id corresponding to the timing information. In case of dual Display, display2 must be MIPI-DSI and resolution id is fixed to 102.

  • disp2-type: Type of the Display2.

SL1640/SL1680 Single Display configuration

Default configuration for SL1640 and SL1680 given as below.

  • SL1640 - Single Display mode – HDMI only.

  • SL1680 - Dual Display mode – HDMI + MIPI-DSI

Display mode can be changed in dts. Single Display mode is applicable for both SL1640 and SL1680.

Below is an example for Single display mode.

Single Display: HDMI Display Mode

&drm {
   disp-mode = <0>;
   disp1-res-id = <24>;
   disp1-type = <0>;

Single Display mode: MIPI-DSI Display Mode

&drm {
   disp-mode = <1>;
   disp1-res-id = <102>;
   disp1-type = <3>;

SL1680 Dual Display configuration

Dual Display Mode (HDMI as primary + DSI as secondary)

&drm {
   disp-mode = <2>;
   disp1-res-id = <24>;
   disp1-type = <0>;
   disp2-res-id = <102>;
   disp2-type = <3>;


  • For MIPI-DSI Display: RESID is fixed to 102 where it takes the custom timing provided in the dts.

  • For HDMI display ID, depending on the capability of the SINK at bootup only 4K or 1080P are supported at present.

SL1620 Display configuration

Default display configuration for SL1620 is Dual – TFT + MIPI-DSI.

lcdc_panel node and dsi_panel nodes in dts decide the number of displays. Display configuration will be carried on based on the parameters in section 4.5 and section 4.3 respectively.

HDMI configuration

HDMI configuration options in dts are as below:

hdtx-core-config: used to configure HDMI output, it includes bitfields to control below options.

Default options: hdtx-core-config = /bits/ 8 <1 0 1>

  • HPD handling: to enable/disable handling of sink hotplug. If HPD handling is disabled, output format will be configured on bootup depending on sink capability and retained till next reboot.

  • HDCP control: to enable/disabled HDCP. Currently not handled.

  • FixedModeset: to let SYNA DRM/KMS driver handle the mode setting internally without exposing user interface. If set, it will configure output format without requiring the userspace application to configure output format, any attempt to override the configured format will be ignored.

hdtx-supported-formats: used to list the formats exposed to user via kms mode query.

Default selection: hdtx-supported-formats = /bits/ 8 <12 9 10 13 22 21 19 26 25 24 61 62 64>.

Refer below file for resolution indices in <linux>/drivers/soc/berlin/modules/avio/vpp/ca/include/vpp_defines.h

If needed, this can be overridden using parameter “hdmi_preferred_mode “, by adding/modifying the same in /etc/modprobe.d/syna_drm.conf.

Example: To override preferred modes as 1080p: hdmi_preferred_mode=1920x1080

Below is out of box default configuration,

  • syna drm/kms driver will internally configure HDMI output format.

On connecting 4K supported sink, 4K30 RGB 8bit format will be selected.

On 1080p TV, output will be configured as 1080p60 RGB 8bit.

  • Preferred mode of EDID is override to 1080p.

MIPI-DSI Display Configuration

MIPI-DSI panel configuration parameters

  1. Lanes - Number of Data lanes

  2. Data_Lane_Polarity - Polarity of the Data Lane

  3. Clk_Lane_Polarity - Polarity of the clock lane

  4. virtual_chan - virtual channel number

  5. Vid_mode - Video mode. Supported video mode are:

    • 0 - non-burst mode + sync pulse

    • 1 - non-burst mode + sync event

    • 2 - Burst mode

  6. non-Continuous_clk - 0 for continuous and 1 for non-continuous clock configuration

  7. Byte_clk - Byte clock rate. Calculated as Total Bandwidth / (Lanes * 8)

  8. Recv_ack - Receive acknowledgement.

  9. Color_format - Color coding output format

  1. RGB888 - 5

  1. Loosely_18 - Loosely 18 packed

  2. Data_Polarity – Data enable signal. Assertion indicates valid pixel. 0 – Positive & 1 - negative

  3. H_polarity - Horizontal polarity active low/High

  4. V_Polarity - Vertical polarity

  5. Eotp_rx - EOTP Reception support enable/disable.

  6. Eotp_tx - EOTP Transmission enable/disable.

  7. HTOTAL – Total number of pixels in a line.

  8. Chunks - Number of Chunks in case of multiple chunk transmission otherwise ‘1’ for single.

  9. Null_Pkt - Size of the null packet.

  10. dpi_lp_cmd - Enable DPI low power command.

  11. ACTIVE_WIDTH - Active width of the Panel

  12. ACTIVE_HEIGHT - Active height of the panel

  13. HFP - Horizontal Front porch

  14. HSYNCWIDTH - Horizontal sync width

  15. HBP - Horizontal Back porch

  16. VFP - vertical Front porch

  17. VSYNCWIDTH - Vertical sync width

  18. VBP - Vertical Back porch

  19. TYPE - ‘0’ for SD, ‘1’ for Full HD ‘2’ for UHD

  20. SCAN - ‘1’ for Progressive, ‘0’ for Interlaced

  21. FRAME_RATE - Frame rate, ENUMs mentioned as below.

  • FRAME_RATE_23P98 = 0

  • FRAME_RATE_24 = 1

  • FRAME_RATE_25 = 2

  • FRAME_RATE_29P97 = 3

  • FRAME_RATE_30 = 4

  • FRAME_RATE_47P96 = 5

  • FRAME_RATE_48 = 6

  • FRAME_RATE_50 = 7

  • FRAME_RATE_59P94 = 8

  • FRAME_RATE_60 = 9

  • FRAME_RATE_100 = 10

  • FRAME_RATE_119P88 = 11

  • FRAME_RATE_120 = 12

  • FRAME_RATE_89P91 = 13

  • FRAME_RATE_90 = 14

  1. FLAG_3D – Disabled always.

  2. FREQ - Pixel clock frequency for primary display in KHz. Pixel frequency is calculated as
    For instance, for 1080P60Hz standard resolution, HTOTAL – 2200, VTOTAL – 1125 FREQ = (2200 * 1125 * 60)/1000
  3. PTS_PER_4 - PTS for every four count Which is nothing but PTS/4. For instance:
    Crystal frequency is 90kHz and frame rate is 60fps, then
    PTS_PER_4 = (4*90*1000)/60 = 6000
  4. PIXEL_CLOCK - Pixel clock frequency for Secondary display in KHz. Make it same as FREQ.

  5. mipirst-gpio - Reset Gpio for the MIPI.

  6. power-supply - External power supply control.

  7. backlight - External backlight control.

  8. COMMAND = Command for initialization in Hex

Format - <CMD> <Payloadlength-n> <BYTE1> <…> <BYTEn>

  • Long write Ex: 39 04 FF 98 81 03

CMD => 0x39

Length => 0x04

PayLoad => FF 98 81 03

  • Delay in microseconds Command format: 0xFF <4BYTE delay>

    • Delay for 100ms (100000us => 0x000186A0)

FF A0 86 01 00

Display Timing Parameters

These parameters are mandatory for SL1640/SL1680 and optional for SL1620.

  • VB_MIN - Minimum vertical blanking for the Display TG

  • HB_MIN - Minimum Horizontal blanking for the Display TG

  • V_OFF - Vertical offset for the Display TG.

  • H_OFF - Horizontal offset for the Display TG.

  • HB_VOP_OFF - Horizontal VOP offset for the Display TG.

  • VB_VOP_OFF - Vertical VOP offset for the Display TG

  • HB_BE - Horizontal Blanking Back Edge for the Display TG.

  • VB_BE - Vertical Blanking Back Edge for the Display TG.

  • HB_FP - Horizontal Blanking Front porch for the Display TG.

  • VB_FP - Vertical Blanking Front porch for the Display TG.

Reference entry for the MIPI DSI panel

Below is default entry for the MIPI-DSI in dts.

This serves as a reference for a panel with resolution 800x1280 and HTotal = 952, VTOTAL = 1312.

Refer the parameters above for further information on the panel.

&drm {


   dsi_panel {
      status= "okay";

      \* Reset PIN configuration for the MIPI-DSI if available in the
      platform */

      mipirst-gpio = <&expander0 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
      NO_OF_RESID = <1>;
      DSI_RES = <102>;
      ACTIVE_WIDTH = <800>;
      HFP = <60>;
      HSYNCWIDTH = <32>;
      HBP = <60>;
      ACTIVE_HEIGHT = <1280>;
      VFP = <16>;
      VSYNCWIDTH = <2>;
      VBP = <14>;
      TYPE = <1>;
      SCAN = <0>;
      FRAME_RATE = <9>;
      FLAG_3D = <0>;
      FREQ = <75000>;
      PTS_PER_4 = <6000>;

      bits_per_pixel = <24>;
      busformat = <0>;

      HTOTAL = <952>;
      Lanes = /bits/ 8 <4>;
      Vid_mode = /bits/ 8 <2>;
      virtual_chan = /bits/ 8 <0>;
      Clk_Lane_Polarity = /bits/ 8 <0>;
      Data_Lane_Polarity = /bits/ 8 <0>;
      Recv_ack = /bits/ 8 <0>;
      Loosely_18 = /bits/ 8 <0>;
      H_polarity = /bits/ 8 <1>;
      V_Polarity = /bits/ 8 <1>;
      Data_Polarity = /bits/ 8 <1>;
      Eotp_tx = /bits/ 8 <1>;
      Eotp_rx = /bits/ 8 <0>;
      non-Continuous_clk = /bits/ 8 <1>;
      dpi_lp_cmd = /bits/ 8 <1>;
      Color_coding = /bits/ 8 <5>;
      Chunks = <0>;
      Null_Pkt = <0>;
      Byte_clk = <56250>;

      VB_MIN = /bits/ 8 <6>;
      HB_MIN = /bits/ 8 <30>;
      V_OFF = /bits/ 8 <6>;
      H_OFF = /bits/ 8 <20>;
      HB_VOP_OFF = /bits/ 8 <8>;
      VB_VOP_OFF = /bits/ 8 <3>;
      HB_BE = /bits/ 8 <7>;
      VB_BE = /bits/ 8 <2>;
      VB_FP = /bits/ 8 <2>;
      HB_FP = /bits/ 8 <10>;
      PIXEL_CLOCK = <75000>;

      command = /bits/ 8 <0x39 0x04 0xFF 0x98 0x81 0x03
                  0x15 0x02 0x01 0x00
                  0xFF 0xC0 0xD4 0x01 0x00
                  0x05 0x01 0x29
                  0xFF 0x10 0x27 0x00 0x00>;


Sample configuration for waveshare 7-inch DSI panel: Waveshare Panel Configuration Guide

TFT Display configuration


Panel Backlight Configuration

Panel Backlight enable using Linux defconfig and dts.

1. External backlight driver-based Panel (Example: TI LP855x part of Panel DC)

  1. Enable backlight driver in Linux kernel defconfig.

-# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LP855X is not set

  1. Create the entry in dts file for backlight driver.

backlight@2c {
   compatible = "ti, lp8556";
   reg = <0x2c>;

   bl-name = "lcd-bl";
   dev-ctrl = /bits/ 8 <0x05>;
   init-brt = /bits/ 8 <0xFF>;

   pwm-period = /bits/ 8 <0x00>;

   /* CFG2 */

   rom_A2h {
      rom-addr = /bits/ 8 <0xA2>;
      rom-val = /bits/ 8 <0x28>;

  1. Panel using SL16xx SOC PWM to control the backlight.

Kernel dts:

Configure the pinmux to support the PWM Backlight configuration in the dts file. Below are the details for sample panel and SL1680 platform.

panel0-backlight {
   compatible = "pwm-backlight";
   pwms = <&pwm0 1 1000000 0>;

   brightness-levels = <0 4 8 16 32 64 128 255>;
   default-brightness-level = <6>;
   enable-gpio = <&expander0 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

pwm1_pmux: pwm1-pmux {
   groups = "SPI1_SS1n";
   function = "pwm";

&pwm0 {
   pinctrl-names = "default";
   pinctrl-0 = <&pwm1_pmux>;
   status = "okay";

SYNA DRM/KMS driver testing

Upon SL1XXX platform boot-up, display comes up with Weston desktop by default.

To execute sample test application such as modetest, disable Weston using below command.

systemctl stop weston.service

modetest is a tool provided by libdrm library and is available as part of the SDK release/image (/usr/local/bin/modetest)

Following are some of the tasks performed with modetest

  • List all display capabilities: CRTCs, encoders & connectors (DP, HDMI, DSI …), planes, modes…

  • Perform basic tests: display a test pattern, display 2 layers, perform a vsync test.

  • Specify the video mode: resolution and refreshrate.

Below is the syntax.:

modetest -M synaptics -s <connector_id> [,
<connector_id>][@<crtc_id>]:[#<mode index>]<mode>[-<vrefresh>][@<format>]

Above application with the syntax provides the frame to Primary plane.

To list the connector, CRTC and plane information for the platform, below command helps.

modetest -M synaptics


The connector ID and CRTC ID may change. Use the modetest -M synaptics command to check te values of the connector ID and CRTC ID.

SL1680 Display

SL1680, default configuration provides Encoders – 2, connectors – 2,

planes – 4 (MAIN, PIP, GFX1 and GFX2)

Sample output of command modetest -M synaptics is as below:

id      crtc    type    possible crtcs  possible clones
37      34      TMDS    0x00000001      0x00000001
39      35      DPI     0x00000002      0x00000002

id      encoder status          name            size (mm)       modes   encoders
36      37      connected       HDMI-A-1        1100x620                7       37
      index name refresh (Hz) hdisp hss hse htot vdisp vss vse vtot
#0 1920x1080 60.00 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 148500 flags: phsync, pvsync; type: preferred, driver
#1 3840x2160 30.00 3840 4016 4104 4400 2160 2168 2178 2250 297000 flags: phsync, pvsync; type: driver
#2 1920x1080 50.00 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 148500 flags: phsync, pvsync; type: driver
#3 1920x1080 30.00 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 74250 flags: phsync, pvsync; type: driver
#4 1920x1080 25.00 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 74250 flags: phsync, pvsync; type: driver
#5 1920x1080 24.00 1920 2558 2602 2750 1080 1084 1089 1125 74250 flags: phsync, pvsync; type: driver
#6 1280x720 60.00 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 74250 flags: phsync, pvsync; type: driver
      1 EDID:
               flags: immutable blob

      2 DPMS:
               flags: enum
               enums: On=0 Standby=1 Suspend=2 Off=3
               value: 0
      5 link-status:
               flags: enum
               enums: Good=0 Bad=1
               value: 0
      6 non-desktop:
               flags: immutable range
               values: 0 1
               value: 0
      4 TILE:
               flags: immutable blob

38      39      connected       DSI-1           0x0             1       39
      index name refresh (Hz) hdisp hss hse htot vdisp vss vse vtot
#0 800x1280 60.05 800 860 892 952 1280 1296 1298 1312 75000 flags: ; type: preferred, driver
      1 EDID:
               flags: immutable blob

      2 DPMS:
               flags: enum
               enums: On=0 Standby=1 Suspend=2 Off=3
               value: 0
      5 link-status:
               flags: enum
               enums: Good=0 Bad=1
               value: 0
      6 non-desktop:
               flags: immutable range
               values: 0 1
               value: 0
      4 TILE:
               flags: immutable blob


id      fb      pos     size
34      42      (0,0)   (1920x1080)
#0 1920x1080 60.00 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 148500 flags: phsync, pvsync; type: preferred, driver
      24 VRR_ENABLED:
               flags: range
               values: 0 1
               value: 0
35      43      (0,0)   (800x1280)
#0 800x1280 60.05 800 860 892 952 1280 1296 1298 1312 75000 flags: ; type: preferred, driver
      24 VRR_ENABLED:
               flags: range
               values: 0 1
               value: 0

id      crtc    fb      CRTC x,y        x,y     gamma size      possible crtcs
31      0       0       0,0             0,0     0               0x00000001
      8 type:
               flags: immutable enum
               enums: Overlay=0 Primary=1 Cursor=2
               value: 0
32      35      43      0,0             0,0     0               0x00000002
formats: XR24 AR24 XB24 AB24 NV12 NV21
      8 type:
               flags: immutable enum
               enums: Overlay=0 Primary=1 Cursor=2
               value: 1
33      34      42      0,0             0,0     0               0x00000001
formats: XR24 AR24 XB24 AB24
      8 type:
               flags: immutable enum
               enums: Overlay=0 Primary=1 Cursor=2
               value: 1

Frame buffers:
id      size    pitch

Single Display Mode (HDMI only)

  • Push frame to GFX1 plane using below modetest command.

    modetest -M synaptics -s 37@35:1920x1080@AR24
  • Push frame to both GFX1 and PIP plane using below modetest command.

    modetest -M synaptics -s 37@35:1920x1080@AR24 -P 32@37:1920x1080@AR24

Dual Display Mode (HDMI + MIPI-DSI)

  • Push frame to GFX1 plane (Display on HDMI) using below modetest command.

    modetest -M synaptics -s 37@35:1920x1080@AR24
  • Push frame to PIP plane (Display on DSI) using below modetest command.

    modetest -M synaptics -s 39@36:800x1280@AR24

SL1640 Display

SL1640 Supports: Encoder – 1; CRTC – 1; Planes – 2 (MAIN and GFX1 planes)

Single Display (HDMI only)

  • Push frame to GFX1 plane using below modetest command.

    modetest -M synaptics -s 36@35:1920x1080@AR24

Single Display (MIPI-DSI only)

  • Push frame to GFX1 plane using below modetest command.

    modetest -M synaptics -s 36@35:800x1280@AR24

SL1620 Display

Default list of connector/mode details in SL1620 is as below:

id crtc type possible crtcs possible clones
35 0 DPI 0x00000001 0x00000001
37 0 DSI 0x00000002 0x00000002

id encoder status name size (mm) modes encoders
36 0 connected DPI-1 0x0 1 35
   index name refresh (Hz) hdisp hss hse htot vdisp vss vse vtot
#0 800x480 59.72 800 1010 1012 1058 480 502 504 527 33300 flags: ;
type: preferred, driver

38 0 connected DPI-2 0x0 1 37
   index name refresh (Hz) hdisp hss hse htot vdisp vss vse vtot

#0 800x1280 60.05 800 860 892 952 1280 1296 1298 1312 75000 flags: ;
type: preferred, driver

TFT Display

  • Push frame to TFT display using below modetest command.

    modetest -M synaptics -s 36@33:800x480@AR24

MIPI-DSI Display

  • Push frame to MIPI-DSI display using below modetest command.

    modetest -M synaptics -s 38@34:800x1280@AR24